Our consultation program offers a variety of courses to
help you build your future. Take a look below.

Start the journey
My credit academy
During this course you will learn about credit health, how to fix your credit yourself (if you wish), how to manage and maintain your credit profile and assist you in your continued credit growth.
Key Points
- Goal setting
- Lifestyle changes
- Tools to assist you throughout your credit journey
- 1 on 1 progress consultations

The building block
My debt and me
During this course we will assist you with reviewing your current debt while creating a solid realistic plan to remove debt from your lifestyle. Afterall, cresating a solid foundation is the key foundation to any form of success.
Key Points
- Review your debt portfolio
- Set reaistic goals to address debt balances
- provide guided instruction on addressing your debt
- 1 on 1 or group interactions

Change is coming
The Money Plan
This course will help you create, set and execute financial goals. Start from the very begininning and work your way through to your ultimate goal. We will create a customized plan that will be tailored to your individual finances.
Key Points
- Create customized plans suitable to your finances
- Educate you on savings and money growth
- Establish savings goals
- 1 on 1 or group sessions